Monday, 22 February 2016

Glad to share this adventure !

Hey you,

 I'm glad to have you around and share my adventures with you.
It's almost time for me to hit the recording studio again.

And attached you can have a listen to "HEART ROAD". A very special song on my first album.

Plus the 2016 "Rise up Tour" is starting to heat slowly but surely.

To know more about how you can help me, here is the link:

You could get my CD for free smile emoticon

Over all things are evolving and your participation (even in tiny bits) is very appreciated.



Dual Entries

Jan 25, 2016
 Today one of our members got the sheet music to our upcoming single Work a
 Day Jane tattooed on his strumming arm! No excuses to ever forget a note. ;)

Jan 29, 2016
12 days in to really rolling with our crowdfunding campaign, and off to an awesome start. We have over 400$ in plus one sponsor at 100$, and we're poised to approach some local businesses next week. It would be an AWESOME BOOST if we could get to 1000$ total by the end of Monday, so we're 490$ away. If you had 15$, 65$ or 200$ to send our way we could send you a button, Shirt or dazzle your Valentine with a serenaded song. Check out the packages, see if anything makes sense for you to help us out. :)

Thursday, 18 February 2016

The First Blog


Here is my FIRST BLOG EVER !
 Everybody has a passion, whether or not they are aware of it or allow it to reveal itself. My passion? Music, singing, performing, songwriting, basically everything, that whole artsy thing. All of my songs are centered around people, friends, family, life situations and....GUYS....who will have to remain nameless as we progress into my personal musical life and these blogs. It started when I was little. If there was anything I felt strongly about I would sing about it, whether it was curled up under a table, or dancing across an amateur auditorium stage. When I got older, I discovered GUYS, and thats when the songs began to flow out of me. Guys can be infuriating, disappointing, scary, stimulating, exciting, fun, heart breaking, the list goes on, as i'm sure all you ladies can agree.
 I was hesitant to show my songs to the world, to the big scary music executive men in suits, to be more specific. I finally forced myself to and its been scary, but exciting. The game really changed, when I recently signed with Stephen Wrench at Musik & Film Records. I will soon be meeting more of his team, and connections, to follow in my next blog. I feel like I am starting to get on track but still a little uncertain.
 You know that feeling when you are climbing up the ladder to the high dive at the pool and you are holding your breathe the whole way up because you are scared of this new confidence you have while also debating bailing and climbing back down to safe ground or what you might find at the top? If you will make a mistake, get let down in utter disappointment or achieve your greatest desires and get a taste of the kind of success you dream of? Well that's where I am at. And it helps to know that I am not alone, none of us are. I can't wait to see what happens next! It's important to always believe in yourself and remember that life is a journey, not a destination.
So,  to be continued... ;-P

Artist: Johanna Winkel
Genre: Indie Pop Country Rock
Social Media Links:

Friday, 12 February 2016

First Video

January 23, 2016

Started shooting the first video for the album today, thanks to contributions of time and tools from Jason Bizzar and Apolocalypse Becky. Work a Day Jane the single should be out this week, and the video at the beginning of March. Come to the Elks Club on February 12Th if you want to get in the second part of the video !


Saturday, 6 February 2016

Don't Look Back

  Life....well that's just it isn't it... Life... Life can be complicated, or everything can go smoothly. The ups, the downs, the sadness, the happiness, mistakes, and accomplishments. You name it. Life will throw it at you...A lot as well...I'm noticing to lately that more and more people live in the past. With regrets about what was done, Time that was wasted.
 It's easy to get sucked into you're thoughts like a vacuum has pulled you into the darkness, and your thoughts are cluttered together in the vacuum's container. This is something I am all to familiar with. It is difficult to get out of these thoughts at times and focus on what's important....So my word to you is this. Don't look back, Don't look back at what was and envision what can be. Stop trying to change what cannot be changed, but accept the card's you've been dealt with and work with them.
Create the life you envision, and help other's embrace this ideal, and their own idea's. Take what you went through as a lesson to learn from. Being human doesn't mean at all in any definition, being perfect. We all go through crazy things and let it consume our future. Let it dictate who we become. Why? If something didn't work for you, then don't do it again, if you made a mistake, learn from it, and don't do it again.
Don't repeat process's that are clearly faltering. With kindness in you're heart, and an ambitious mind developed, go forward and CREATE. You are the Creator, don't let what was break you.

Don't look back.
 ~Young Cap~

In The Age OF Web 2.0

Creation, business & getting your music heard… in the age of the web 2.0

I must admit, this is my first blog. Still, being a (part-time) journalist in real life (or let’s say beside music), l’ll try to get to the point and sell you my ideas, or let’s say, my product: music.

I always knew, beginning my artistic studies - yeah l’m also a cinema teacher when there is jobs out there - that I won’t live to make money, but to make art. Expressing myself is vital, (as well as eating yeah!) Writing, teaching, singing, require the same abilities - for me: having something to say and saying it in an interesting way (OK if it’s to students in a classroom, readers in a magazine, or drunk people in a bar, the means of communications are pretty much different, but if it’s not interesting, the message won’t get  heard anyway…(Today, you have to be more interesting than a cellphone -or Facebook, or Twitter, or Angry Birds, etc.- and unfortunately, the challenge is there…)

In music, yeah, I do have something to say.

My passion for music have been consistent for the last decade & I always followed my own path as a singer-songwriter, launching in 2014 my debut album called Confessions, a 12 track album, in my native French speaking language. Thanks to Gilbert Cantin, my great friend & composer through this journey. I remember the time when I went to France & Belgium to sing some of my original material. It turn out as a failed collaboration with another composer… But today, I must admit, thanks to wisdom, this experience made me stronger and gave me the chance to meet Gilbert and the amazing musicians I’m with now! Plus, performing in both France & Belgium was an amazing opportunity to meet and discuss with the European crowd, enabling me to hone my musical skills while adding a new perspective to my artistic portfolio. Why l’m I talking about touring? Because being a musician is all about seducing new ears with your music in every parts of the world. But touring needs funds. And I am no Taylor Swift. (l’ll never have her beautiful blond hairs, height or her amazing career - at such a young age…but hey, why being so negative?, she’ll never have my natural big brown curly hair neither)…

OK l’m getting lost in my thoughts here. Let’s go back to my subject.

Touring yeah. OK before touring & presenting your songs, you have to create them. Creating my own musical universe, for me is expressing my ideas, which come alive in the form of stories and short films. French or English, it doesn't matter. Only heartfelt stories does. In my song Can you imagine? (The Killing of John Lennon) I told the story of my birth. Or the first time I died…It depends on how you read it… In the song Silk Stocking District, I told the story of a girl who won’t sleep her way to the top to succeed. Kind of a feminist song. OK, the first show I went to as a teenager was Alanis Morissette… I love to tell stories, autobiographical or not, but still heartfelt stories. But to share these stories, I have to record them…(cause I want more than my mom as a fan;)

(Now l’m getting to my selling pitch part of the blog.)

Writing great songs is only the first part, because these songs have to meet their ears, with recording and touring, because without ears to listen to, music looses all it’s meaning. The life of a musician is both on the road and in the studio. And the life of an independent musician is investing a lot of money to achieve your dreams. And often we invest without getting any money in return (remember l’m not Taylor Swift). So what if you could help? What if you could share my dream? That’s why I thought making a crowdfunding campaign would be amazing! The money raised will be use for both a mini Canadian spring tour and a mini album! Every dollars count, you can give 5$, 10$ or get a reward depending on the amount of money you give to the project; it can be an album, we can cover a song you request, and we can even make a private concert to your house, or in your backward (if you live near Montreal). Plus, your money will also serve to a charity, cause in music the heart and sharing matters. And not every people in the world have the chance to actually make music, because they don’t have access to the basics, which are the musical instruments. So the extra funds of this crowdfunding campaign will go to Instruments Beyond Borders (IBB) and the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra they support. They delivers musical instruments to youth orchestras in disadvantaged communities at home and abroad. By example, they help the Recycled Orchestra of Caetura, in Paraguay, where children play instruments made out of recycled garbage. and the St. James Music Academy in Vancouver’s Downtown East side, where up to 200  children receive free after-school music lessons from professional teachers. This means that you don’t have to play a Gibson of a Stradivarius to make music!

But still, to make music today, in the age of web 2.0, you still have to get access to exposure and minimal financial resources, and touring and recording with great musicians needs money. And you know, in the age of social media and web 2.0, sharing (my music, my blog) is also kind of (virtual) money. So I hope I’ve sell you my product, meaning my music, and that you are now inspired to share it, or even spend some money on my dreams in exchange of great rewards!

Thank YOU! (and a Big Thanks if you read this until the end;)

Here’s the link to my crowdfunding campaign:



Music video: Silk Stocking District:
Music video: Can you imagine? (The Killing of John Lennon):

Monday, 1 February 2016

Big Thanks

 January 22 
 Two-stage weekend achieved, Saint John and St. Andrews were both amazing crowds!
Thank you for coming out, dancing, making the party, buying merchandise, and sharing the love.

 We. LOVE. You. ( Also, thanks Liz Holmes for snagging this photo! )
 Help us get across the country as well as the southern part of the province -
 Please consider helping turn this into a practice run for our August tour by contributing to our crowd funding campaign! Remember all proceeds over the goal go to Instruments Beyond Borders, and everything TO the goal helps us play nearer to you!
Xoxoxoxo PBC
Based out of Fredericton, New Brunswick and maybe playing your town soon!