Thursday, 15 September 2016

Simon Henley: I am me

Hi everyone, 

For my first monthly blog I’d like to start with a really good introduction of myself. 

As you probably may know, music is a big part of who I am. I’m interested in many styles of and my guitar, words and voice roam the planet to experience and grow. The fact that I am well surrounded and supported by great musicians from different cultures definitely helps. Writing a new song for me is not only an outlet but it’s also the extension of myself. I tend to be a bit too honest too. My latest one (not yet released) addresses an illness I have. It’s very personal and I hope it will help the cause. It started with a letter I wrote directly to it and it quickly became a song. As many cancer patients do, people with bipolarity tend to address their illness as well. 
Overall I understand that I am not Bipolar but a person with it. There’s a big difference. Would you call a person with a big nose, "BIG NOSE"? Or simply a person who has a big nose… That’s why I am not my illness. Although it’s a big part of who I am. I hope I can show you my song soon. It’s called “Dear Bipolar”. 

If you’re looking to know what it is to have bipolarity, here is a great article:

And here is "Steph" as we played it last June in Québec city.

Thanks for reading and see you around!



  1. I am so excited to hear your new song. You are so very talented and your creativity has no bounds. You are a strong representation of all that can be good with this illness and I thank you for sharing yourself with us!
