Thursday, 18 June 2015


    Well, the Rise Up Tour has wrapped up, and all in all it seemed to be a total success! The reviews ive read from all of the RMS artists is all been positive and everyone involved had a great time. So badass. I had a great time too! I ended up doing the tour as a solo act, with just me and my guitar, and I sure learnt alot in that! 

First thing I learnt: I need a guitar case, and, an electric guitar will never sound the way an acoustic sounds, so, for future solo acts, no more using an electric, its gotta be an actual acoustic 

#2: Always double check your time slot like the second u show up, during the tour, I almost missed my first set in Vancouver completely but managed to get 4 songs in after all my confusion (also learnt in vancouver always GET REST BEFORE A PERFORMANCE)

  I also almost missed my set in Calgary, I was told I would be on at midnight, so showed up at 1120 ish, and then got told the last act went on at 1130!!! Learnt: Show up earlier for future shows and stay there even if my ADD is making want to go do other things til i have to go on... I did though, end up playing at midnight in Calgary, and got my full set in and ended up having a total blast... Oh and I also missed my set in Saskatoon, I thought i went on at 11 showed up just before 11 and apperently i was on at 10! I ended up still going on at around midnight, but people who had came to see me play ended up leaving because they thought i wasnt coming...DOH

#3) Dont touch anything that isnt yours. All I did was grab a mic stand to move it and i ended up snapping it in hf on stage...let the sound dudes move everything...NOTED!

#4) Drinking Fire is kind of fun, i should have a drink of flames before i start every set
There is a lot more I learnt but these were the big ones! Lots to work on for the future Which I am hoping involves more touring beceause despite the mistakes and etc its so much fun!!!! 
Cant wait to do that all again


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